Stockholm Embassy of Finland
- Stockholm
- 2002
Poleeni Cultural Centre in Pieksämäki was completed in late summer 1989. It was a far-reaching cultural investment by a town of 14000 inhabitants. The various art centres constructed in Finland in the 1980s, including this one, spoke of a higher general level of wealth. The building represents so-called Neo-Modernism, the façades consist of references to early Modernism, especially the 1930s Functionalism, of which there are fine examples in Pieksämäki.
Poleeni is faithful to the result of the architectural competition organised in 1982. The winning entry was designed by Timo Vormala and Kristian Gullichsen from Gullichsen Kairamo Vormala Architects. The competition entry was realised almost as such. Vormala and Gullichsen were assisted by architects Eeva Kilpiö, Aulikki Jylhä, Matti Linko, Ahti Korjula, Ahto Ollikainen, Jussi Murole, Heikki Nieminen, Olli Hakanen and Kati Lehesmaa.
Poleeni’s main facilities are the public library and concert hall. The facilities are arranged around an ‘interior street’, a typical choice for the 1980s public buildings. The library is located on the northern side of the building and the concert hall on the southern side. The entrance portal is situated in the middle of the West façade.
Source: Finnish Architectural Review 8/1989